We are an Shiatsu therapy clinic in "Harajuku / Kitasando", Shibuya, Tokyo.
"SHIATSU" is most effective as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, plenty of sleep, regular exercise, working toward meaningful goals, and taking the time to laugh and find joy in life.Shiatsu requires no special equipment, has no side effects, and can be used on anyone from children to the elderly.
"SOTAI" is a movement therapy that was invented in Japan to heal your body naturally. The basic concept of SOTAI is “Movement that you feel good is good for your body”. The aim of SOTAI treatment is to help the body restore and maintain its natural balance. Then eliminate the pain in the back, neck, shoulders, etc. You will experience very new feeling after the SOTAI.
Kensuke Suzuki Japanese national qualification "Practitioner of Shiatsu therapy" holder.

Session Flow
1)Body check and interviewWe will check your body posture, joint mobility, or pain condition.
We provide rental clothing for treatments to those who request it. The rental is free of charge.
You may bring your own T-shirts and shorts, if you want.
Please remove accessories and tight stockings for your better relaxation.

After the treatment, your therapist will advise you on daily maintenance methods using SOTAI method to keep your body healthy.
10,000yenThe treatment time will vary depending on the customer's condition, etc., but it averages between 60 and 80 minutes. Including changing clothes, the maximum expected time is up to 90 minutes.
>>Please make an appointment from here.
503 Shuwa Jingu Residence , 3-3-16 Sendagaya , Shibuya , Tokyo, JAPAN.
Clinic hours: 10:00AM - 20:00PM
*Appointment Only

How to access from Harajuku Station(7min)
How to access from Sendagaya Station(12min)
How to access from Kitasando Station(5min)

1977年 大阪生まれ。編集者 & セラピストのパラレルキャリア。
厚生労働大臣認定 あん摩マッサージ指圧師 / 合同会社GX代表 / アミケン編集塾 塾長 / PRSJ認定PRプランナー / 日本指圧専門学校 61期卒 / 趣味:阿波おどり
操体法は 私の曾祖父、橋本敬三が創案した健康法です。
SOTAI is a movement therapy that was invented in Japan to heal your body naturally.