NHK番組「温古堂診療室」 / 操体法 橋本敬三の世界
◆ 本編映像:NHK番組「温古堂診療室」(30分)
◆ 特定映像:人生読本「人間の設計」全3話(各15分)
(1) 操体法の極意
(2) 4つの自己責任生活「食・息・動・想」
(3) 「般若身経」~健康の自然法則~
◆ 橋本敬三 プロフィール
明治30年(1897)福島県生まれ。大正10年新潟医専卒。同15年秋まで東北帝大生理学教室に学ぶ。北海道函館市の民間病院勤務を経て、西洋医学から東洋医学に道を変え、同市内に全科で開業5年。昭和12年第1次応召。昭和16年仙台市に移転、鍼と手技療法の温古堂診療所開業。筋骨格系の矯正療法として創案した「操体法」が、昭和50年代に全国的に注目を集め、各地に実践が広がる。著書に「万病を治せる妙療法 - 操体法」(農文協)など。平成5年(1993)1月没。
In 1976, a documentary program titled "Onkodo Clinic" was broadcast on NHK Television. This program introduced the Sōtai method, founded by Dr. Keizo Hashimoto, who at that time was conducting treatments at the Onkodo Clinic. The program highlighted the Sōtai principle, "moving in the direction that feels good leads to improvement," and also included daily scenes from the clinic, such as Dr. Hashimoto treating his own feet. This rare footage garnered significant attention at the time and has now been re-edited into a new work.
As a bonus feature, the collection includes segments based on Dr. Keizo Hashimoto's appearances on NHK Radio, combined with valuable photographs from that era and newly discovered footage of his clinical practice.
Main Video: NHK Program "Onkodo Clinic" (30 minutes)
Dr. Keizo Hashimoto, a physician in Sendai City, treats illnesses using the "SOTAI" method, which involves moving the body in a comfortable direction without the use of medicine or injections. This valuable video recording introduces the philosophy and practice of his treatment approach. The cases covered include conditions such as lower back pain, knee pain, sciatica, nocturnal enuresis, scoliosis, and muscular atrophy. (Originally broadcast on July 17, 1976)
Special Video: Life Reader "Designing Human Beings" - 3 Episodes (15 minutes each)
Based on a radio program from NHK's First Broadcast (aired in June 1981), this video combines valuable photos and footage from that time.
(1) The Essence of Sotai
(2) Four Principles of Self-Responsibility in Life: "Eat, Breath, Move, and Think"
(3) "AUTO SOTAI" ~ Natural Laws of Health ~
Keizo Hashimoto was born in 1897 in Fukushima Prefecture. He graduated from the Niigata Medical School in 1921. Until the autumn of 1926, he studied at the Department of Physiology at Tohoku Imperial University. After working at a private hospital in Hakodate, Hokkaido, he transitioned from Western medicine to Eastern medicine and ran a general practice in the same city for five years. He was first called up for military service in 1937. In 1941, he relocated to Sendai and opened the Onkodo Clinic, where he practiced acupuncture and manual therapy. The "SOTAI" method, which he developed as a corrective therapy for the musculoskeletal system, gained nationwide attention in the 1970s and was widely practiced across the country. His publications include "The Wonderful Therapy That Can Cure All Diseases - Sotai" (published by Nobunkyo). He passed away in January 1993.

1977年 大阪生まれ。編集者 & セラピストのパラレルキャリア。
厚生労働大臣認定 あん摩マッサージ指圧師 / 合同会社GX代表 / アミケン編集塾 塾長 / PRSJ認定PRプランナー / 日本指圧専門学校 61期卒 / 趣味:阿波おどり
操体法は 私の曾祖父、橋本敬三が創案した健康法です。
SOTAI is a movement therapy that was invented in Japan to heal your body naturally.